Soul Wrenching

Just a little while ago I just happened across a post on facebook with this tiny boy of only 2 years old who was outcast in his village in Nigeria because his family believed he was a witch, which is a common problem all over the world apparently, It breaks my heart that humans are capable of such monstrosities, I know it is just one story of the billions of stories out there and although I know it is not good to be ignorant of what is happening in the world we live in, I admittedly avoid stories like this and others too, because it just breaks me a little every time, I tear  up and feel so sad and helpless’ which any decent human should do, but I become so depressed that I can’t function in such a world, it hurts so much to know we have such persons around us.  I try to be positive and make a difference immediately around me, and every where I go, but if I am sadden so much so by the daily horrors going on out there throughout the world I feel immense sadness that I barely seize to function, overcome by depression, I can not envision change.

So sadly I chose not to watch the news or read the newspapers and I avoid stories of such monstrosities, because I can not help nor change them, but if I can be positive and upbeat and try to bring a smile to those immediately around me, that will make a difference around me. I think love, positivity and happiness is infectious and every person in the world should pass it on, we all have a little something we can pass on, maybe more than just happiness or a smile, so why not all do it, be the difference and try to change the world a little bit at a time.

Power of positivity & happiness is real, help the wave of it pass through the world and everyone in it, help those you can and keep upbeat, imagine the difference a smile, a hug can make, be that difference, and if you can give and do more then do.

Show Love & Compassion.


The Video that made me cry today…